Street Animals in Turkey as a Wicked Problem: A Critical Public Relations Perspective




wicked problems, public relations, critical public relations, animal rights, animals living in the streets


This study aims to describe the problems arising from the interactions between animals living in the streets in Turkey, civil Society initiatives and volunteers working in this field, and the central government and local administrative units “managing” this area. The interactions are examined and described in the context of “wicked problems,” initially conceptualized in the field of social planning and later discussed in various fields. The study aims to propose a framework for how the discipline of public relations can positively contribute to this problematic area, drawing on the literature of wicked problems and critical public relations, as well as the author’s personal experiences in the field of animal rights. The study contributes to the limited number of works related to animals in both traditional and critical public relations literature. Highlighting the unique conditions of Turkey, the study presents a framework that can inspire not only civil initiatives and volunteers advocating for the rights of street animals in Turkey but also the public relations practitioners.



How to Cite

Göncü, B. (2024). Street Animals in Turkey as a Wicked Problem: A Critical Public Relations Perspective. REFLEKTIF Journal of Social Sciences, 5(2), 331–347.


