Call for Papers: Impact of Artificial Intelligence on Social Life - Vol. 5 No. 1 (2024): February


In a period when Artificial Intelligence (AI) technologies are rapidly becoming widespread, Generative Artificial Intelligence is becoming an important part of social life and the daily activities of organisations and individuals. In addition to the benefits provided by these technologies, addressing the ethical and social responsibilities that these technologies bring with them is one of the most important issues of our age.

AI has great potential for economic growth, social development, human welfare and security. However, there is a critical dimension that has been overlooked in the development process of this potential. The focus of AI discussions on the efficiency and profit-orientation dimension results in insufficient attention to the possible damage it may cause on the fabric of society. This deficiency creates serious gaps in society's capacity to adapt and prepare for the changes brought about by artificial intelligence and results in insufficient investments in developing individuals' talents. This leads to rapidly increasing and deepening inequalities.

Looking at today's line of development, the increasing speed of automation of business processes by AI technologies causes the labour force to be pushed out of the production process on the one hand, while increasing sectoral concentration on the other. It is an important debate to question whether these and similar "unexpected effects" are inherent in the nature of technological development or whether technological development has taken a wrong path (see Acemoğlu, Redesigning AI -Work, Democracy, and Justice in the Age of Automation ve Acemoğlu, Koster ve Özgen “Robots and Workers: Evidence from the Netherlands”). On the other hand, how generative AI is designed and utilised, in particular, is thought to have a wide-ranging impact on security, privacy and control issues (see. Kazim & Koshiyama, “A high-level overview of AI ethics”).

These controversial issues arise at a time when existing laws and regulations that can keep pace with the pace of technological development and diffusion are often lacking. On the other hand, like all technological developments, artificial intelligence needs to be considered within its historical context and its social, cultural and political implications need to be analysed in the light of this historical context. Only such an analysis can ensure the health of the relationship to be established with technology both individually and socially. Leading the dissemination of in-depth research and debate on productive AI is of great importance in determining best practices and standards.

With this call for papers, we aim to bring together innovative papers that analyse the impact of AI technologies on social life. Papers centred around the following three main themes will be of particular interest:

  • Artificial Intelligence and Disinformation: Artificial intelligence has significant potential in combating disinformation. Under this theme, papers discussing the role of AI in information verification processes, current application limitations, and the requirements for the development of AI-based fact-checking systems are particularly sought.
  • Academia and Artificial Intelligence: Artificial intelligence offers new opportunities and challenges in social science research. Under this theme, papers that address how AI can be used in the social sciences, how existing applications can be improved, and the contributions of AI-based research to the discipline of social sciences are expected.
  • "Responsible AI": Artificial intelligence has the potential to offer solutions to many important problems facing humanity. However, the potential risks and ethical dimensions of AI should also be considered. Under this theme, papers discussing the policies and practices required for the responsible development and utilisation of AI are welcome.


Evaluation Criteria:

Manuscripts will be evaluated according to the following criteria:

  • Originality: Papers are expected to present a new and original contribution in the field of artificial intelligence and social sciences.
  • Depth: Papers should include a comprehensive analysis and discussion of the topic.
  • Application Potential: Papers are expected to contribute to applications in the field of artificial intelligence and social sciences.


Issue Editors: Suncem Koçer, Erkan Saka, Haluk Levent

Deadline for article submissions: December 30, 2023